SSU announces AS Election results for 2023-2024

Sonoma State has elected new associated student representatives for the 2023-2024 school year.  

From March 13 to March 14, students were encouraged to vote for a new slate of officers. The results were officially announced the following day, March 15. A total of 990 students voted allowing for a 16.75% turnout. 

The newly elected student body representatives for SSU are Cassandra Garcia as president and Angelina Melissa Lopez as executive vice president. Clayton Trent and Vanessa Sanchez were both re-elected as VP of finance and senator for diversity. Taylor Frickman was elected as senator for government affairs and Greta Fast as senator for student resources. 

At SSU, the associated student organization, which is referred to as “AS” is student led and is in charge of creating a feeling of community on campus. According to their official page on the SSU website, their goal is to “provide a positive, fun, and inclusive programming experiences throughout the academic year that are free or low cost to the SSU community.”

Cassandra Garcia, the newly elected Associated Students president shared some information about herself to the SSU community. She said that as a first generation student studying psychology, being involved on campus made her realize that she wants to help students' voices be heard. “My objectives are to be there for students by listening to their concerns. I also want to make every student feel safe here at SSU.”

Garcia decided to run for president because she wanted to make a change and get more involved. “I have always stayed in my own bubble and never wanted to put myself out there. Sonoma State changed that mindset for me. I saw a community of students that truly cared about change and involvement. I was always afraid of rejection and the thought of never being good enough. I have surrounded myself with a great support system that has made me realize I have what it takes to make a change.”