Title IX committee seeks student representation
/Sonoma State University's Presidential Advisory Council (PAC) is looking for student representation on its Title IX Committee. This opportunity will provide student representatives the chance to serve as a direct line of communication between students, faculty and administration. Representatives will assist in making policies that create fair opportunity, while also keeping in mind the best interests of the students as they relate to Title IX.
The Title IX program was enacted in 1972 and, since it was introduced, has saught to decrease discrimination targeted from the basis of sex in education and the work place.
SSU’s Title IX Officer and Senior Director of the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination Julie Vivas is the organizer of the president’s committee on Title IX.“The PAC's charge is to review and recommend enhancement to our policies, practices, procedures, and services for students, faculty, and staff,” Vivas said. Student representatives will aim to make recommendations to the president about potential policies that will increase campus communication and efficiency.
A page about the council on the sonoma.edu website further explains council members’ duties are to “Provide greater accessibility, communication, and transparency to the campus community and the general public by presenting and reviewing information, data, and promoting dialogue through public meetings, listening sessions, and social media opportunities to discuss experiences of community safety and community-centered approaches to improving and maintaining community safety.” The page also added that “The Advisory Council does not serve as a police review or accountability council and does not review specific police personnel matters.”
This position would provide representatives with a chance to work alongside the president and other top ranking campus officials allowing them the opportunity to see the inner workings of a high-level institution and gain understanding of how big decisions are reached.
“The PAC is composed of many representatives from various groups on campus, including two student representatives who are appointed by the Associate Students,” said Vivas, who added “Currently, one of the AS representatives has been appointed and will be joining the next PAC meeting.”
Some of the council members include: Vice President for Administration and Finance, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Diversity, Associated Students President or Designee, and even the Dean of Students.
The Advisory Council Chair and Co-Chairs meet annually to discuss and review council membership and make recommendations to the president. It is the president however, who gets the final say on the appointment of members.
According to the council’s previously referenced webpage, “Advisory Council members will serve no longer than two consecutive years unless approved by the president.” If a member discontinues their affiliation with their organization however, they give up their spot immediately, and their organization will be contacted to appoint a new representative.
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The Title IX PAC committee is seeking student represenation which will provide a variety of learning opportunities for whoever partakes in the committee. Student representatives will aim to make recommendations to the president about potential policies that will increase campus communication and efficiency.