Staff shortage leads to temporary closures


One of the only spots open for Sonoma State students, besides SIP, to dine in on campus is Lobo’s Pizza & Pub.

It’s been over two years since the COVID-19 pandemic first began to change our world, and since that time many facets of our lives have returned to normalcy. That is not the case for the school’s culinary staff, which has faced a slower return back to full-staffing levels. This has led to many popular campus eating spots remaining closed despite a full student-body now back on campus. As a result, lines at the spots that have been open, Sip and Lobos, are typically long for customers and overwhelming for workers.

           There used to be four other eating locations available to students around campus; Charlie Brown’s, Toast, Weyden & Brewsters (W&B), and Stomping Grounds. “It’s a missed joy,” said Senior Spencer Hall. “I miss being able to go all-around.” 

Those four options, plus the two that are currently open, made it much simpler for students to get food during quick breaks between classes. Now students are forced to go to SIP or Lobos no matter where they are or may be headed to on campus. All these forces have resulted in an extremely backed up line at SIP that goes throughout the student center lobby, and lasts from about 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., creating a chaotic atmosphere for everyone in the lobby.

           It can be overwhelming for all staff in the area. Student Center Info & Tickets Desk Assistant, Ian Dougherty, emphasized “at certain times the line fills up the room and we can’t hear anything we need to.” 

          Logically it all makes sense why this is happening, but a solution feels less straightforward, because it’s not as simple as reopening everything. The outcome is going to depend on how quickly the culinary staff can get back to full strength. Hope does seem to be on the horizon, as students returning to campus has led to an increase in student employment.

        The culinary department’s website,, currently lists both Charlie Brown’s, and Toast as only temporarily closed, this leaves hope that there may be a return of both of these establishments. There is no mention however of Stomping Grounds, leaving its near future uncertain.

         Some immediate relief has come from the reopening of W&B. Another option the culinary department implemented last year to help was Grubhub. This allows students to order their food and drinks from SIP, Lobos, and W&B ahead of time. Grubhub has been a simple, yet helpful tool. This was summed up simply by senior Isabel Magat who said “I like Grubhub.” It’s the perfect option for anyone looking to get something quick between classes, or who just simply want to avoid a long line. On top of that, it puts less stress on the culinary student staff.

         Students and culinary staff alike hope to see lines at SIP and Lobos go down soon. The recent reopening of W&B should provide some amount of relief. In the slightly longer term, the return of Charlie Brown’s and Toast should give students much more flexibility, and the culinary staff less stress, officially returning campus to its pre-covid, functionality.