Student Involvement hosts DIY Bird house making

STAR// Mia Garcia

A student painting their birdhouse.

Many seawolves have stressful schedules and need something to do to relax their minds. Luckily Student Involvement is here to help. They host events every Friday and Saturday with different arts and crafts projects at the W&B (Weyden and Brewster).

This past weekend the DIY (Do It Yourself) craft of the week was birdhouse making. All materials are provided and free for students. Students are encouraged to be creative, make connections, and get involved with campus activities.

Student Involvement hosts events like these so fellow Seawolves can have a break or have something to do after a long day. Third-year Communications major Saffron Walter said, “I just wanted a little time to relax. I’ve been working all day. I still have some work to do at home like cleaning but I wanted a little bit of a break so I came here.” While painting the birdhouse Walter said, “It reminds me of when I was a little girl. We made these in a class one time and I feel like I can take this home and put it right next to my other one.”   

Students are supplied with a birdhouse kit, paint, brushes, and stickers. Seawolves can then create and design the birdhouse however they see fit. Student Involvement worker Tia Booker, third-year criminal justice major said, “We do the weekend programs like FNL (Friday Night Live) and the DIYS like today we are doing the bird house making.” There are so many events that Student Involvement hosts that fellow Seawolves should get to know. Booker said, “This is the first time we did birdhouses. However, some of the crafts are repeated like we will do jewelry making or small terrariums.” More examples of fun arts and crafts would be painting mugs, and fun with burlap, hama beads, and making soaps.

When asked, “What is something you want students to know about Student Involvement?” Booker said, “One that we are not part of AS I think some students think that we are and also we are here if any student needs something to do.” Student Involvement is to enhance fellow student’s Sonoma State experience. Booker also said, “We want people to come out if they don’t have any plans for the weekend, this is something that they can do and meet new people, make new friends, and take home fun crafts.”

If you are looking to help others stay connected on campus Student Involvement is hiring for Fall 2023! Open positions include Student Involvement Programming Assistants (PEAPs) and Summer Orientation Leaders. Apply on Handshake, email, or Google form. Apply by April 1, 2023.  For more information about being part of the Student Involvement team or for more student events go to or follow them on Instagram at ssu.studentinvolvement.