“Once Upon A Mattress” debuts on-campus
/STAR // Dennae Taylor
First premiere of Once Upon a Mattress at Person Theater.
On Feb. 10, students filled up seats in Person Theater to watch the first premiere of “Once Upon a Mattress”, hosted and put on by SSU’s Theatre Arts and Dance Department. The play, “Once Upon a Mattress”, is a musical and comedic version of The Princess and the Pea and centers on Princess Winnifred/Fred as she tries to prove she’s worthy to take Prince Dauntless’s hand in marriage, whose mother, Queen Aggravain states that he must marry a “true” princess. The musical demonstrated this creative take on a classic fairytale, and the cast showcased their acting abilities and musical performances, which were well received by the audience.
“Without giving too much away I was roaring in my seat at the hilarity that ensues as the play goes on.”, said second-year psychology major Luis Escobar, one of the attendees for Friday night’s performance.“The lighting was beautiful as it reflected each vital moment in the play and I loved the music as well as the dancing,” Escobar explained.
However, Doyle Ott, the show’s stage director and musical director Lynne Morrow, also say that the show can be seen as a reflection of how long we’ve come in terms of gender equity and what still needs fixing. Considering that the play revolves around marriage and the need to get married and that the show was written back in 1959.
“First and foremost I hope audiences have a good time. This is a comedy and if people have fun watching it we have largely done our job.”, said Ott. The production of the show was something that took months of behind-the-scenes work, and despite difficulties, the cast has had a meaningful experience.
Ott said, “For theater and music students covid took a few years of precious time learning to navigate being with a live audience, so the learning opportunity here is perhaps even more meaningful.”
Amber Kalijumagi, who portrays one of the princesses and Lady Mabelle, said that one of the best parts of production was growing closer with the other actors.“We have a lot of fun putting on this show, and the entire musical has become an inside joke for us.”, Kalijumagi said.
“Personally, this production means a lot to me because I have grown so much as a performer and person during the run of this show,” said second-year biochemistry major, Lauren Toledo, who portrays Princess Winnifred on stage. Toledo hopes that the struggles her character endure during the play resonate with the many college students in the audience.
“Princess Winnifred goes through a lot of the same emotions that I as a college student go through, for example, she cares what others think about her, she gets homesick, she falls in love, and she feels alone at times.”, said Toledo. “Once Upon a Mattress” will be showing later this week on Friday, Feb. 17th, and Saturday, Feb. 18th at 7:30 p.m., and on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 2:00 p.m. Upcoming performances from the School of Theater and Dance include senior projects from March 16 - 18, “War Circus” from April 6 - 8, and “Spring Dance” from April 27 - 30.