Spreading Awareness through Comedy with Sasheer Zamata
/On March 16, Sonoma State welcomed famous comedian Sasheer Zamata to campus. This event was put on by ASP, Associated Student Production, and was located on the third floor of the student center in Ballroom D. In honor of Women's History Month, Zamata’s set focused on feminism and female experiences in society.
Zamata is well known for writing and starring in shows like “Home Economics”, “Woke,” and “Saturday Night Live.” When asked by an audience member after the show about what inspired her to get into comedy, Zamata discussed how programs like “Mad TV” and “Comedy Central” really got her creative juices flowing.
The stand up show that Zamata put on mostly revolved around the female experience, and how often women are mistreated in society. “I really enjoyed Sasheer’s show!” said Alyssa Samuli, a junior at SSU. “She was super funny and it was refreshing to hear jokes that I could relate to as a woman.” Zamata’s show was very relevant in that she discussed things like catcalling and even institutional sexism.
Women’s History Month is all about the recognition of contributions that women have made in society. Zamata discussed that when first starting out as a comedian, she was afraid the masses wouldn't like her because many deemed her shows somewhat political. Later she realized it was her choice, what to do with her sets, and she has now leaned into the title of “political comedian”.
Mia Bass, a student at SSU, discussed how she felt after hearing Zamata’s set, “I liked the fact that Sasheer’s comedy includes current events and social issues. Not only does it make her jokes funnier, but it also makes them more relevant. I think it’s so important to educate others on important issues and using comedy as a more appealing approach is so smart!”
ASP’s main goal is to provide “... social, educational, and engaging events for all Sonoma State University (SSU) students.” as seen on their website. Zamata’s comedy and activism aligns well with this goal. An article on her website, sasheer.com, discusses Zamata’s involvement with the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project, which aims to empower all women in the fight for equality. This movement bars the discrimination of those from diferrent economic, racial, and gender backgrounds.
ASP made sure to make the event very interactive for students. Before the show there were pop quiz questions; if students answered correctly they would win an SSU t-shirt. After the show there was a fifteen minute Q and A with Zamata, with many thought-provoking questions coming from students. Students were also given the chance to meet Zamata one on one. ASP placed pieces of paper with the word “Winner!” written on them, under five students' seats in order to decide who would get chosen.
Sonoma State ID, as well as health screenings, were checked at the doors to best ensure that this event was safe for students and faculty.
Associated Student Productions put together multiple events this month in honor of Women’s History Month, like A Rose For You on March 1, which allowed students to write what they appreciate most about womxn and to receive roses with affirmations.
The next event being put on by ASP is an Open Mic Night on April 6. If you would like to try your hand at stand up, this event will be held in the Alumni Amphitheater by Person Lawn. All you need is a green wellness clearance and your Sonoma State ID!